So, lately people in the YFU group have been getting their host families, and I was absolutely DYING just waiting for mine!!
Of course, the mail had to be late today...I thought I was gonna have a heart attack...
When it finally came my sister yelled at me "Mail!!!" and I practically fell down the stairs in my haste to get it. I finally grabbed the mail, and was flipping through. I had gotten to the small envelopes and had seen nothing, so me heart sank. Usually YFU sends fairly noticibly sized packages, so I thought I would have to wait even longer. I was depressingly flipping through the rest of the envelopes when LO-AND-BEHOLD.....
I now know that I'm going to be in Okinawa, Japan! I have a mother and a father, 3 host sisters, and 1 host brother!! What a big family right??
I'm so excited to get to meet them! And it turns out that one of my sisters is my age! We'll probably be going to school together...but I'm not sure.
I really can't wait for school to end and head to Okinawa now! I couldn't sleep at all last night! And now that I got my host family...I'm going to be awake forever!
Oh wells!
Until the next post!